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The Behaviour Management Toolkit: Avoiding Exclusion at School (With CD-ROM)

$75.27  Softcover (inc CD)

Chris Parry-Mitchell

  • The Behaviour Management Toolkit

136 pages
Interest Age: 10 to 18
ISBN: 9781446210758

Based on her successful work across a range of schools, this book consists of 10 sessions that make up a programme to help students who are at risk of exclusion. Each session has detailed facilitator notes and accompanying worksheets on the CD-ROM. The young people learn how to think, communicate, behave and relate to each other and other people in more useful ways.

The book offers:

  • content that works for schools, Pupil Referral Units and any setting working with young people on behaviour management;
  • advice on dealing with common pitfalls and difficult scenarios;
  • guidance on how to work with parents and carers to help them understand how they can reinforce the approach at home;
  • activities that work with the 10 to 18 age range.

Everything in this book has been tried and tested with young people who are at risk within their school settings, and for most of them it has been a turning point in their lives.

Table of Contents

CD table of contents

About the author


How to Use This Book

Points to Consider

Introducing the Toolkit: Establishing a Safe Group and Finding Out What the Issues are

Games, Hooks and Tactics: Common Communication Scenarios for Young People

'What Makes Me Tick?' The Differences Between People

Hitting the Targets: Setting Goals and Examining Meanings

Keeping It Real: Understanding Anger and Strategies to Help

Lights, Action, Drama! Understanding Unhelpful Roles and Identities

Fast Forward: Raising Aspirations and Creating a Future

Step over Here: Developing an Understanding of the Views of Others

Premier Skills: Skills for Successful Learners

Look at Me Now...bring it on! Reflection and Skills for the Future


Bibliography, Further Reading, Websites and Training Courses