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National Center For Youth Issues

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you can get in the way

You Can Get in the Way


Gives counsellors and educators a primer on how to support students who struggle with a...

your amazing brain

Your Amazing Brain


Learn about the brain using fun graphics, simple metaphors, and practical solutions.

your happy heart

Your Happy Heart


A story for children to see by helping someone find their happiness can make their own ...

National Center for Youth Issues

National Center for Youth Issues (NCYI) provides educational resources, training, and support programs to foster the healthy social, emotional, and physical development of children and youth. Founded in 1981, NCYI has established a reputation as a leading provider of teaching materials and training for counselilng and student-support professionals.

To date, NCYI has placed materials in and provided training to over 40,000 schools in all 50 US states. The range of issues addressed has grown substantially, encompassing subjects ranging from bullying and violence prevention, to drug and alcohol abuse, depression, suicide, and anxiety, as well as positive character/life-skills development and social/emotional learning. As the role of student support professionals continues to expand, NCYI has broadened the range of topics, offering resources to address such challenges as: Internet safety, overcoming learning differences, childhood obesity, social and emotional learning, self-injury, ADHD, bi-polar and autism spectrum disorders.