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Silvereye supports the Yes! Campaign

Friday 1st September 2023

Silvereye supports the Yes! Campaign
Silvereye supports the Uluru Statement from the Heart and we are supporting the Yes! Campaign for a Voice to Parliament. There has been much misinformation spread by the No Campaign, but in reality this is a very simple choice on a very simple and straighforward question - should there be an advisory body (the Voice to Parliament) to enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to advise the Parliament and the Government on matters that affect their lives? The First Peoples of Australia are uniquely disadvantaged in modern Australia - less healthy, shorter lived, poorer, less literate, underemployed and more likely to go to prison than university. Their leaders gathered from all corners of Australia at Uluru in 2017 and overwhelmingly agreed to make the modest request which is now embodied in the referendum question. This referendum is our chance as Australians of all creeds and colours to truly start listening rather than telling.

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