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Sue Morris

the rubber brain

The Rubber Brain


Make your brain more flexible & resilient. Deal with challenges & bounce back from adve...

Sue Morris

Dr. Sue Morris has a passion for enhancing students' success and wellbeing, with an emphasis on positive psychology, and resilience. She completed her undergraduate studies and PhD in Developmental Psychology at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), where she has worked as a lecturer in the School of Psychology, as well as in staff development for educators. Over 20 years of undergraduate teaching, she has focused on developing innovative and engaging learning experiences for students, emphasising collaboration and connectedness. She applies psychological literacy in her teaching, with a goal to "optimise the world, one Psychology student at a time". Sue's interest and expertise in enhancing student learning has been recognised through numerous awards, including the UNSW Vice Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence, the UNSW Faculty of Science Staff Excellence Award in Sessional Teaching, and an Australian Office of Learning and Teaching Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning. Her university teaching experience has been complemented by serving as a director on the board of Moriah College for the past decade, which has given her extensive insight into the needs of primary and high school students. However, she has learned the most about wellbeing and positivity from her two teenage children.