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NHS Forth Valley

colourful semantics

Colourful Semantics


Ready-made session plan ideas, vocabulary cards & worksheets; plus online version using...

NHS Forth Valley

NHS Forth Valley provides a large number of health services across Central Scotland including Clackmannanshire, Falkirk and Stirling. The Children’s Speech and Language Therapy team in Forth Valley are an innovative group of staff who understand the importance of transformational change, collaboration and compassionate, person centre care in order to improve outcomes for the children and young people they serve.

NHS Forth Valley would like to thank the following members of staff for their hard work and dedication in the design and development of this pack; Anna Blackburn, Glenn Carter, Cara Chalmers, Katie Clark, Mary Coleman, Louise Illingworth, Jen Keating, Niamh Murphy, Ruth Kerr and Stephanie Wood. Forth Valley would also like to thank Alison Bryan for developing the original idea and for suggesting improvements to the pack. Thank you to all the many teachers from across Forth Valley who were instrumental in designing a pack that can be effectively used in the context of education.