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Kristin Maher

the awfulizer

The Awfulizer


Gives shame a name and face, showing just how real and big it can be for children; how ...

big feelings set

Big Feelings Set


An essential part of growing up is learning emotional intelligence. This set helps kids...

Kristin Maher

Kristin Maher is an advocate, writer, and speaker on topics dealing with negative emotions. Being on the client side of therapy gave Maher tools for learning to regain control over negative emotions, which led her to write her first book. Aimed at young children, Maher teaches language and strategies for managing shame at its earliest stages. A major catalyst for writing the book was seeing the early signs of shame in her own children. She knew from her own experiences that having the right tools at the right time can prevent future struggles with shame and other limiting emotions. Maher has expanded her focus into a platform she now shares around the country through podcast, her website, and speaking engagements. She lives in Nashville with her husband Matt and their three children.