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Kathleen McConnell Fad

lonely kids in a connected world

Lonely Kids in a Connected World


Learn about childhood loneliness & ways to reduce or prevent its harmful effects with a...

Kathleen McConnell Fad

Kathleen McConnell Fad, Ph.D., is an independent education consultant and author. Kathy began her career as a public school teacher, which provided the foundation for her later work as a college professor, general and special education consultant, and professional development provider. Kathy has written numerous books, assessment instruments, and teacher materials, including the popular Practical Ideas That Really Work series. As part of her consultation practice, Kathy was the lead special education professional on a team that conducted program reviews of school districts throughout the country. She has provided presentations, keynotes, online micro-credentials, and ongoing professional learning for school districts, parent groups, and conference participants. Kathy focuses on positive, practical, evidence-based strategies for all students.