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Hazel Edwards

grief and loss in schools

Grief And Loss In Schools


Discussion topics, play scripts & engaging activities to allow students to work through...

Hazel Edwards

Educator-author Hazel Edwards has written books for children, teachers and adults. Her best-known publication is the children’s picture book classic There’s a Hippopotamus on Our Roof Eating Cake (1980), now a series of picture books, classroom play scripts, a musical stage production and a short movie.

As an aspiring young author in Grade 6, Hazel wrote her first (unpublished) book. After primary teacher training, she taught secondary school students and lectured at teachers’ college. She has published over 220 books across genres and subjects. She has also scripted for screen, stage and puppetry. She has obtained many awards including an OAM for Literature in 2013 and Monash University awarded her the 2022 Distinguished Alumni for Education.