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Cheryl Jorgensen

it's more than 'just being in'

It's More Than 'Just Being In'


Your school team's practical blueprint for making authentic inclusion happen in K–12 ...

Cheryl Jorgensen

Cheryl M. Jorgensen is Research Associate Professor and Project Coordinator with the Institute on Disability, a University Affiliated Program at the University of New Hampshire, Durham. Since 1985, she has worked with New Hampshire schools to help them increase their commitment and capacity to include students with disabilities within the mainstream of general education. More recently, her research and systems change efforts have focused on the inclusion of students with disabilities within school reform efforts, especially at the high school level. She was Editor of the Equity and Excellence newsletter and is a coauthor of Including Students with Severe Disabilities in Schools (Singular Publishing Group, 1994) and author of numerous chapters on inclusive curriculum design.