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Queen of Slaves


Judy Keen

  • Queen of Slaves
  • Queen of Slaves
    Elly wants the Sastens to grow crops, but they are not interested. They want to watch the Grab Ball match. Ben is playing, and he has nearly lead his team to victory, when the Zoths reappear, and this time they have guns. In a desperate attempt to save he

Elly wants the Sastens to grow crops, but they are not interested. They want to watch the Grab Ball match. Ben is playing, and he has nearly lead his team to victory, when the Zoths reappear, and this time they have guns. In a desperate attempt to save her people, Elly makes a deal. The Sastens will grow food to feed the Zoth army. The unwilling Sastens are now forced into farming, and from mysterious seeds they grow massive vines with delicious melons - but these plants eat animals and people. The Sastens are safe while they are slaves to making fish slop for the plants to eat until the fish stocks run out.