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Reaching the Child with Autism Through Art: Practical, Fun Activities to Enhance Motor Skills and Improve Tactile and Concept Awareness

$27  Hardback
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Toni Flowers

  • Reaching the Child with Autism Through Art

100 pages
ISBN: 9781885477231

It is no secret that the arts are often underestimated when it comes to education. But author Toni Flowers knows better. Art encourages communication, positive self-image, concept development, spatial relationships, fine-motor skills, and many more facets of healthy child development. In this book, she provides dozens of artistic activities (called “experiences") that will delight children with autism. Notes on each activity page offer helpful dos and don’ts, along with many real-life experiences Toni encountered while working with children on each activity. Give the children in your life the opportunity to express themselves!

Art leads the child in a positive direction and helps in the development of a positive self image. Art also helps to develop figure ground discrimination, concept development, spatial relationships, form discrimination, sequencing fine motor skills, eye contact, directionality, cause and effect, body in space, perceptual motor skills, tactile/kinesthetic awareness, attention span, pride in accomplishment, and an appreciation of beauty in the environment.

Art as I perceive it does not always result in "something to take home". When there is a finished product, it is for the pride of both the parent and child. The act of doing is for the enjoyment and development of the child alone. - Toni Flowers