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2nd Edition

Inclusive Education for the 21st Century: Theory, Policy and Practice

$68.14  Paperback
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Linda J Graham Australian author

  • Inclusive Education for the 21st Century

376 pages
ISBN: 9781032396859

Thoroughly revised throughout, this bestselling book returns in a new edition to take an even more comprehensive look at the question: How can teachers and schools create genuinely inclusive classrooms that meet the needs of every student? Inclusive Education for the 21st Century provides a rigourous overview of the foundational principles of inclusive education and the barriers to access and participation.

It explores evidence-based strategies to support diverse learners, including specific changes in curriculum, pedagogy and assessment practices, and the use of data. It addresses the needs of children with physical, sensory and intellectual disabilities, as well as those with complex learning profiles, including mental health issues.

This second edition is rich with new content, including:

  • Six new chapters which address learning from international experience, multi-tiered systems of support, leading inclusive education reform, the importance of language and supporting friendships.
  • A new section has been added to provide explicit support for implementing systemic inclusive education reform from the policy level right through to classroom practice.
  • A new series of podcasts, featuring interviews with expert chapter authors, offers an engaging complement to the chapter topics and content.

With many schools still operating under twentieth-century models that disadvantage students, this book presents the deep knowledge, tools and strategies to better equip pre- and in-service teachers and leaders to make inclusive education a reality in all schools.

Table of Contents

Part 1: Foundations of Inclusion

  1. Inclusive education: Three (and a bit) Years On - Linda J. Graham
  2. What is Inclusion… And What is it Not? - Linda J. Graham
  3. Inclusive education as a human right - Cátia Malaquias, Juliet Davis, Jenna Gillett-Swan and Linda J. Graham
  4. Fundamental concepts of inclusive education - Linda J. Graham, Marijne Medhurst, Haley Tancredi, Ilektra Spandagou and Elizabeth Walton
  5. The legal foundations of inclusion - Elizabeth Dickson
  6. Inclusive Education: A Review of the Evidence - Kate de Bruin

Part 2: Implementing Systemic Inclusive Education Reform

7. Learning from international experience - Suzanne Carrington, Sofia Mavropoulou, Beth Saggers, Glenys Mann, Carly Lassig and Lara Maia-Pike

8. Leading inclusive education reform - Linda J. Graham, Callula Killingly, Haley Tancredi and Terri Bourke

9. Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: What are they, where did they come from, and what are the lessons for Australian Schools? - Kate de Bruin, Callula Killingly and Linda J. Graham

10. The critical importance of language - Jennifer Alford and Haley Tancredi

11. Accessible Pedagogies - Linda J. Graham & Haley Tancredi

12. Including students with complex learning profiles in grade-level curriculum - Loren Swancutt

Part 3: Developing an Inclusive School Culture

13. Putting all students at the centre - Jenna Gillett-Swan, Haley Tancredi and Linda J. Graham

14. What is Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and why is it important? - Melissa Close, Callula Killingly, Amy Gaumer-Erickson and Patricia Noonan

15. Supporting a sense of belonging and peer relationships - Beth Saggers, Marilyn Campbell and Glenys Mann

16. Nurturing close student–teacher relationships - Penny Van Bergen, Kevin F. McGrath, Daniel Quin and Emma Burns

17. Parents and teachers working together - Glenys Mann, Katarzyna Fleming, Jacqueline Specht and Francis Bobongie-Harris

18. Collaborating with colleagues and other professionals - Haley Tancredi, Gaenor Dixon, Libby English and Jeanine Gallagher

19. Rethinking the use of teacher aides - Rob Webster and Peter Blatchford