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cliques just don't make cents

Cliques Just Don't Make Cents


Help kids understand the harm of social exclusion and discover how and why it occurs. A...

cool, calm and confident

Cool, Calm and Confident


If your child is a frequent target for bullies, or has begun to tease and take advantag...

coping with cliques

Coping with Cliques


This workbook helps girls deal with cliques, teasing, and gossip, and shows them how to...

create a culture of kindness in elementary school

Create a Culture of Kindness in Elementary School


Anger management, conflict resolution strategies, and character-building lessons plus a...

create a culture of kindness in middle school

Create a Culture of Kindness in Middle School


Focuses on positive & prosocial attitudes & behaviours that build a respectful & compas...

cyberbullying and e-safety

Cyberbullying and E-safety


Outlines guidelines on prevention and response, and demonstrates how effective e-safety...

cyberspace issues discussion cards

Cyberspace Issues Discussion Cards


Covers every aspect of running an anger management programme, based on appropriate beha...


Books on bullying and other conflict resolution resources can offer help for bullying at school, at home, or online, and address everyone involved in a bullying incident: the bullied, bystanders, and those who do the bullying. According to the US National Crime Prevention Council, 160,000 kids won't go to school today for fear of being bullied. Find help with our wide range of cyberbullying and bullying prevention resources for teachers, counsellors, and students.

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